So why now? After 15 years of trying to hold together relationships in my family, believing that the root cause for calamities that have occurred in my family are because of the pedophile, constant advocacy on behalf of this cause and more, I felt the next best thing at this time was to get this man off the streets and out of churches. I often wonder if he has victimized others. It is bad enough he has destroyed my family; I don't want anyone to experience being ostracized by those who are supposed to protect, love and care for them.
Another nagging force that has sat in the back of my mind since 2009 is the fact that I met my inspiration for even pursuing this: Laurie Asplund. If you have read my blog for the past few years, you may remember that I blogged about meeting a lot of icons in the sexual assault awareness movement at a conference called SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests). I met Laurie there and we immediately connected. I purchased the first autographed copy of her book too--an honor!
It was 3 years ago that I not only met Laurie, but she encouraged me to seek prosecution and I then began reading her book. I found it difficult to proceed with reading after chapter 1 when I first started reading the book. It is hard for me to read about abuse without becoming angry all over again about my own situation. I picked up her book again last week, 3 years later, before a long road trip to South Carolina for the weekend. I originally picked it up to finish it (I hate not finishing what I start!). However, a situation came up that sparked my anger all over again.
Once again, another issue was raised in my family and it involved the pedophile. This time, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired of the problems that would surface as a result of the him. This time it involved Facebook as I found out this year that he has a profile page. I decided that I would try again in attempting to receive justice. This time, if I feel like giving up I will still continue, not for me, but for the girl who could currently be victimized by him or others.
After filing the report, receiving a case number and being assigned an investigator, I finally feel hopeful...
Blog post comment from Laurie after the conference:
August 12, 2009
Hi LaQuisha,
As Angela said...YOU GO GIRL!! After meeting you and reading your blogs, I have NO DOUBT that you have the strength and tenacity to give it a shot!! God bless you and contact me ANY TIME that you want! Laurie Asplund
As Angela said...YOU GO GIRL!! After meeting you and reading your blogs, I have NO DOUBT that you have the strength and tenacity to give it a shot!! God bless you and contact me ANY TIME that you want! Laurie Asplund