Support victims and survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence by participating in or hosting any of the following activities.
April: Sexual Assault Awareness Month October: Domestic Violence Awareness Month |
Set up a table in a busy central location in your community. Hang purple and teal decorations on the table and distribute products and information on sexual assault, domestic violence or empowering women and girls. Be sure to distribute tip sheets on how individuals can prevent being victimized. Hand out candy or other giveaways to attract visitors to your table. Be sure to obtain approval from your city or college to set up and staff the display.

Speak Out Against Violence
This type of event creates a safe space for survivors of all forms of violence to “speak out” about their experience, recovery, and healing. Choose a fairly quiet location for your event and ensure that local crisis center professionals are on hand to provide assistance to speakers and/or audience members in need. One option is to have two podiums and microphones set up, one for survivors that are willing to have their stories recorded by local or campus media, and one for speakers who do not want press coverage.
Letter-writing campaign
Support organizations by taking part in political advocacy by writing letters to local, state, territory, tribal, or other government officials about policies related to sexual and domestic violence that affect your community.

Many social and health causes have started annual walk or run events to raise money and awareness about their issue. If you or your organization has the resources to plan and hold a walk for sexual and domestic violence awareness and prevention, this is a great option. If you have limited time and resources, consider reaching out to other organizations in your area that are holding walks and runs during April (Sexual Assault Awareness Month) or October (Domestic Violence Awareness Month) and form a team to represent the anti-violence movement. Have matching teal and/or purple t-shirts made and make sure to bring materials on violence to distribute to other participants.
V-Day is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. V-Day promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money, and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day generates broader attention for the fight to stop violence against women and girls, including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM), and sexual slavery. Through V-Day campaigns, local volunteers and college students produce annual benefit performances of “The Vagina Monologues” to raise awareness and funds for anti-violence groups within their own communities. The V-Day website ( provides information on holding a Vagina Monologues event in your community or at your college or university. V-Day events often occur during the month of April, but also take place throughout the calendar year.
V-Day is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. V-Day promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money, and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day generates broader attention for the fight to stop violence against women and girls, including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM), and sexual slavery. Through V-Day campaigns, local volunteers and college students produce annual benefit performances of “The Vagina Monologues” to raise awareness and funds for anti-violence groups within their own communities. The V-Day website ( provides information on holding a Vagina Monologues event in your community or at your college or university. V-Day events often occur during the month of April, but also take place throughout the calendar year.
“Breakfast With” Event
Invite local legislators who have sponsored legislation that addresses violence to talk about contemporary trends in anti-sexual and domestic violence law. You can also invite local business leaders, law enforcement agents, attorneys, and other groups that would be impacted by pending or recently passed legislation. Make sure that your organization’s services are highlighted during the presentation. If possible, have speakers and presenters wear stickers, pins, or t-shirts advertising supporting organizations.
Approach local bookstores and libraries about setting up displays of books related to sexual and/or domestic assault with a flyer and your program’s information. Organize a book or poetry reading about hurting, healing and hoping.
Clothesline Project

Cup of Prevention
Ask local coffee shops, book stores, and other small restaurants to donate a percentage of their coffee and tea sales to the local crisis center during the month of April or October.
Denim Day is an international protest in response to the Italian Supreme Court's overruling of a rape conviction in 1999. An Italian woman was raped, and when the case went to trial, the jury found her assailant guilty. The Supreme Court then overturned the ruling, saying that jeans are so difficult to remove, the assailant could not have done so without the victim’s help.
To honor Denim Day, people are encouraged to wear jeans to work or school in order to promote awareness. Your organization can also print stickers or buttons with Denim Day slogans on them, to encourage people to ask, “What is Denim Day?” To make this event successful, effective promotion is the key. Your organization should publicize this event to as many businesses and schools as possible. Information about sexual assault should be sent out with the information about Denim Day. Peace Over Violence (formerly Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women), sponsors a Denim Day in LA campaign with various related resources. Visit for more information.
Faith-Based Community Challenge
Challenge area faith communities to address sexual and domestic violence through services, prayer sessions, articles in newsletters, and donations to local crisis centers. Remember to ask permission to have sexual assault information on display throughout April and domestic violence information throughout October.
Human Ribbon
Get a large length of teal or purple fabric and arrange it as an awareness ribbon around a person standing so that the ends of the ribbon flow out on the ground. The person with the ribbon around them would not speak to others, but an advocate would accompany that person to engage others who come to look at the “human ribbon.” Local dignitaries could be recruited to be the “human ribbon.” Have educational information available to distribute to observers.
Mock Trial
Mock Trials are used across the country to educate communities about the legal process and address myths and facts about sexual and domestic violence. Mock Trials are condensed recreations of actual or imaginary trials. This dramatic style of presentation enables an organization to pull in judicial representatives, theater groups, students, and a wide variety of community members. Mock trials have been used to train first responders about their role in the criminal justice process and inform survivors of what might be involved in pursuing criminal charges. Some communities have adapted the mock trial to explore the campus judicial hearing process.
Developing a mock trial takes time; allow at least three months for planning. Mock trials rely on a script, actors/community members, and good marketing. Local service providers such as police, judges, attorneys and forensic examiners make for great actors. You may be able to hold the mock trial in your area courthouse, town hall or educational institution. Mock juries often struggle with the same issues as actual jury members. Some organizations have included a video, script or scene to depict the events leading up the assault as a way to close to presentation no matter what decision the jury reaches.
Movie Screenings
Several films and movies (documentaries and feature films alike) could be used. Use discussion guides to get the audience thinking and talking about the violence issues addressed in the video. Inquire at local theatres about having specific movies shown during April and October with a portion of proceeds donated to local violence prevention centers as another way of raising awareness.
Open House
Having an open house reception can be a simple but very effective way to raise awareness of violence and of your agency/program’s role in the community. An open house provides an opportunity for you to raise your profile in the community and to provide valuable information. You can place brochures, signs and educational information on a table as well as provide information about volunteer opportunities.
The open house can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. Your staff may decide to provide snacks and refreshments. Or if your budget permits, you may choose to have a catered reception. Invite your board members and local public officials. Publicize the open house in your local newspaper or radio station. You many also want to invite school administrators, and guidance counselors, as well as local businesses and the chamber of commerce.
Operation Law Enforcement
Request permission to tie teal and purple ribbons to the antennae of police cars in your county. This is an opportunity to get to know your law enforcement officers and for them to become more involved with your agency. This could also be a great photo opportunity for the local media.
Partner with a Local Restaurant
There is a range of ways you can incorporate a local restaurant into your awareness activities. Find a local restaurant that will provide an organizational discount and then host a corporate/legislative breakfast to (re)introduce your agency and board to the community. Another possibility is to ask for a small percent of the profits on a specific day as a charitable donation. Or, ask if you may put brochures or teal awareness ribbon pins near the cash register. Finally, it is always good to ask if you may hang awareness posters in a public area of the restaurant.
Poetry Slam
Poetry Slams have become increasingly popular since they began in the 1980s. Poetry Slams are events where poets perform their work and are judged on their writing and performance, encouraging poets to focus on what they're saying and how they're saying it. Anti-Violence Poetry Slams are open to anyone who is willing to participate, but registration with a local program is required. These events can be large or small; however, it is recommended that you begin planning this event four to five months prior to the event date. You may partner with campus organizations and local colleges to locate a venue for the event. University English and Performing Arts Departments may be interested in co-sponsoring the event. Ask local businesses to sponsor your event. Additionally, invite your local media to advertise and cover the event. Finally, you may wish to partner with your local radio stations for DJs, judges, and hosts.
Presentations at Salons
A unique place to hold presentations about violence is at local beauty salons. You can hang a poster with violence prevention information and your organization’s services or provide stickers with your organization’s contact information to be affixed to the back of stylists’ business cards, among other things.
Restrooms are everywhere! Put flyers up on the back of stall doors in the restrooms of college campuses, bars, businesses, state agencies (welfare, unemployment, etc.), and anywhere there is a bathroom. Remember to ask permission before posting flyers.
Shine the Light on Sexual Violence
The concept of Shine the Light on Sexual Violence was originally developed by the YWCA of Greater Los Angeles Sexual Assault Crisis Program. Shine the Light can be as simple as encouraging the community to use car headlights, candles, lamps, or flashlights to develop awareness about sexual violence. You may also choose to coordinate a community event such as a candlelight vigil at dusk, for which you designate a time and place for the community to gather. Remember to disseminate flyers with the event information, including location and time, before the date in order to increase community participation.
Take Back the Night
Take Back the Night (TBTN) is an international phenomenon that began in the early 1970’s in Germany in response to a series of sexual assaults and murders. TBTN rallies and marches have been held throughout the United States since the late 1970’s. Local communities in the United States, Canada, Latin America, India, and Europe have been organizing TBTN marches and rallies to unify individuals to stand against violence in their communities.
TBTN can include a candlelight vigil, a rally, a survivor speak out, and a large-scale public march. Many organizations have incorporated the arts into their event with banner- making contests, musical performances, poetry, and exhibits. Be sure to check with your local law enforcement official regarding legal status of your event and safety issues.
Host Congo Week
The Congo is the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world today where nearly 6 million people have died since 1996, half of them children under 5 yrs old and hundreds of thousands of women have been raped all as a result of the scramble for Congo's wealth. The United Nations said it is the deadliest conflict in the world since World War Two. However, hardly anything is said about it in the media. Can you imagine 45,000 people dying each month and hardly a peep from anyone in the age of the Internet? This is literally what has happened and continue to happen in the Congo. There is a media blackout about Congo and no worldwide resolution to end the conflict and carnage there.
There is a very exciting development among students and community activists throughout the globe. In October 2008, students and community activists from the US, Canada, England, Belgium, Germany, France, Brazil, Jamaica, Norway, Korea, Ghana, Mali, South Africa, Columbia, etc. etc, organized events dealing with the Congo (films, lectures, demonstrations, and more) in their communities and on their respective campuses. We called the undertaking "Break the Silence" Congo Week where 35 countries and 150 university campuses participated in a week of activities in solidarity with the people of the Congo. October 2011 will represent the fourth year of Congo Week.
The purpose of the Break the Silence Congo Week is to raise consciousness about the devastating situation in the Congo and mobilize support on behalf of the people of the Congo. Congo Week IV will take place from Sunday, October 16 to Saturday, October 22, 2011. Visit Breaking the Silence for more information.
Teal Ribbon Campaign
Tie a teal ribbon to your car, your head, your clothing, etc. Set up baskets with teal ribbons on pin cards at hair salons, libraries, banks, and doctors’ offices. Wrap big teal ribbons around trees or tie teal ribbons to your county’s public safety vehicles. Ask your local craft store to donate teal ribbons to your agency or provide you with a nonprofit discount. Wherever you place the ribbons, be sure to have information on the significance of the ribbon as part of sexual assault awareness and prevention efforts.
Art Exhibit
Have survivors do art projects as a part of a support or therapy group to express their healing. Some centers have produced shadow boxes, quilts, handmade dresses, collages, and jewelry. Display the art at a public space and have local musicians and other artists perform.
Tree and Flower Planting
Tree and flower planting ceremonies during Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Awareness Months serve a dual purpose. They give recognition to those who have been assaulted in our communities and counteract pollution in the environment. These events provide the community an opportunity to honor a relative, friend, or other victim and/or survivor with the new life of a tree or plant. These ceremonies may be held in conjunction with Arbor Week, Earth Day or Arbor Day, all during April. A planting ceremony also provides an excellent opportunity for you to partner with local home improvement businesses and greenhouses. You may consider asking these companies to donate trees or flowers to plant during your event.
Host Congo Week
The Congo is the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world today where nearly 6 million people have died since 1996, half of them children under 5 yrs old and hundreds of thousands of women have been raped all as a result of the scramble for Congo's wealth. The United Nations said it is the deadliest conflict in the world since World War Two. However, hardly anything is said about it in the media. Can you imagine 45,000 people dying each month and hardly a peep from anyone in the age of the Internet? This is literally what has happened and continue to happen in the Congo. There is a media blackout about Congo and no worldwide resolution to end the conflict and carnage there.
There is a very exciting development among students and community activists throughout the globe. In October 2008, students and community activists from the US, Canada, England, Belgium, Germany, France, Brazil, Jamaica, Norway, Korea, Ghana, Mali, South Africa, Columbia, etc. etc, organized events dealing with the Congo (films, lectures, demonstrations, and more) in their communities and on their respective campuses. We called the undertaking "Break the Silence" Congo Week where 35 countries and 150 university campuses participated in a week of activities in solidarity with the people of the Congo. October 2011 will represent the fourth year of Congo Week.
The purpose of the Break the Silence Congo Week is to raise consciousness about the devastating situation in the Congo and mobilize support on behalf of the people of the Congo. Congo Week IV will take place from Sunday, October 16 to Saturday, October 22, 2011. Visit Breaking the Silence for more information.
Teal Ribbon Campaign
Tie a teal ribbon to your car, your head, your clothing, etc. Set up baskets with teal ribbons on pin cards at hair salons, libraries, banks, and doctors’ offices. Wrap big teal ribbons around trees or tie teal ribbons to your county’s public safety vehicles. Ask your local craft store to donate teal ribbons to your agency or provide you with a nonprofit discount. Wherever you place the ribbons, be sure to have information on the significance of the ribbon as part of sexual assault awareness and prevention efforts.
Art Exhibit
Have survivors do art projects as a part of a support or therapy group to express their healing. Some centers have produced shadow boxes, quilts, handmade dresses, collages, and jewelry. Display the art at a public space and have local musicians and other artists perform.
Tree and Flower Planting
Tree and flower planting ceremonies during Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Awareness Months serve a dual purpose. They give recognition to those who have been assaulted in our communities and counteract pollution in the environment. These events provide the community an opportunity to honor a relative, friend, or other victim and/or survivor with the new life of a tree or plant. These ceremonies may be held in conjunction with Arbor Week, Earth Day or Arbor Day, all during April. A planting ceremony also provides an excellent opportunity for you to partner with local home improvement businesses and greenhouses. You may consider asking these companies to donate trees or flowers to plant during your event.
We encourage you to begin planning at least three months prior to the event date. These events may take place in local parks, on college campuses, or in communities. You may need to contact local officials or campus administrators to find out what their procedure is for approving such events in your area. Finally, inviting public officials and knowledgeable speakers may bring more media attention to your event.
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes
These marches are designed to benefit rape crisis centers, but also provide a fun opportunity for men to educate the community about sexual violence. These events also rally the community to discuss the connection between gender relations and sexual violence, and to take action to prevent sexual violence. During the marches, men walk one mile in women’s high-heeled shoes to help men gain a better understanding and appreciation of women’s experiences.
While these events can be large or small, we encourage you to begin planning at least three months prior to the event date. You may partner with male groups on college campuses, especially fraternities, or male leaders in your community. Consider partnering with local businesses to provide women’s shoes. You may also invite your local media to cover the event. Finally, be sure to check with your local law enforcement official regarding legal status of your event and safety issues. See the organization’s website,, for more information.
White Ribbon Campaign
This is a great project to do in conjunction with your local law enforcement agencies and colleges and makes for a great press event. The goals of the campaign are to involve men in working to end men’s violence against women, to raise awareness of this problem in the community, and to support organizations that deal with the consequences of men’s violence against women. Men who choose to participate wear the white ribbon and sign a pledge card stating that they will never commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women. Visit for more information.
Be a Mentor
It is important to help our youth grow into successful, self-sufficient and productive citizens. Teaching the youth the importance of promoting non-violence will help in the fight for better tomorrows. Link up with a local or national organization that seeks mentors. The benefits for both the mentor and the mentee are priceless. I have been a mentor since 1997 for Big Brothers Big Sisters, ePals (online), Leysin American School (Switzerland), Queendom T.E.A. and Butterfly Sistas, programming under Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation.