Saturday, August 28, 2010

TurnAround's W.A.V.E. Retreat & Sexual Assault Online Hotline Training

We enjoyed a peaceful, but incredibly busy schedule today for our annual W.A.V.E. (Women Against Violence Everywhere) retreat at Goucher College.  There were 20 + women who came out to become advocates for sexual assault awareness! We began the day with yoga to get centered and relaxed. Next, I led a workshop on the importance of volunteering for this important cause. Fellow W.A.V.E. members hosted workshops on the basics of sexual assault and domestic violence, an introduction to crisis counseling, and setting good boundaries.  This was a great networking opportunity and catch up (after being out of the country for a month) with WAVE members. I am pleased that the Goucher College staff are starting their own sexual assault campus initiative this fall.

20+ women participate in my workshop on the importance of being a volunteer advocate against sexual assault.

One of my favorite members, Dewi!!

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