Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rolling with Encouragement & Support

After Christmas, I was still donating and collecting items for those who needed it. Besides, a day of giving should not only be December 25th, right? I started 2 Circle Journey books with two different teen sexual abuse survivors. After finding 2 books at Barnes and Noble, I was inspired by the idea... The idea is to write down all of our feelings (of sexual abuse) in order to heal. If you are interested in this idea, please visit
Already a lover of writing, I eagerly began writing words of encouragement to the 2 teens, dear friends of mine.

The Circle Journey books I purchased did not have that special look I wanted. Because I love colors and neat things, I redecorated the covers with scrapbooking paper and put "PRINCESS" and "QUEEN" on the outside of the books in rhinestones. I thought this would make the girls not only feel encouraged, but also special.

Next, I packed a box of supplies for a female soldier overseas. Writing letters and providing small items soldiers may miss (like popcorn, dvds, etc.) is such a nice way to say thank you to those who are fighting to keep us safe. My box was specifically marked for a female because I included fruity bath products and wrote a note encouraging her to pamper herself in nice, hot bath!

You would think I did enough, but when I am on a roll, I keep right on rolling! With the assistance of "One Warm Coat," Medix Towson, a career school specializing in the Allied Heath Field, I collected new and gently used coats and clothing. These items were given to "Our Daily Bread," "My Sister's Place," and St. Vincent de Paul." The items that I donated were given to the above named organizations for FREE distribution to people who needed them.
I received the following message from Melisa Hypolite after collecting many bags of items:
I am proud to announce that the coat drive was a success! I would like to extend a heartfelt "thank you," to you.
Like Ripples in a Pond
By Laurie Eytel
We thank you for all
the great things you do.
Large and small,
they all have meaning
to the families you help and to us.
One actcan make all the difference.
Like ripples in a pond ­kindness spreads outward,
reaching and touching othersand can change a life forever.
The smiling faces we see say it all…Thank you…you are our stars!

1 comment:

  1. Melisa HypoliteJuly 04, 2010

    I googled my name and found your page....keep up the great work!!!


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