Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation and TurnAround, Inc. presented
Speaking of Precious.
Speaking of Precious is a series of seminars to address the recent sexual assaults occurring in Northeast Baltimore, Maryland in addition to the nationwide release of the film
Speaking of Precious was a sexual assault and safety seminar. I was one of the featured panel of experts as a sexual assault survivor. I was joined by Krista Verrastro (a therapist) a Sex Crimes Detective and Jeanine Jackson (a Self Defense Instructor for Krav Maga). The theme was support, advocacy and prevention. The environment was very supportive and all of the participants left with access to resources for counseling, activism and self defense.

Heal A Woman to Heal A Nation is doing wonderful things in our community. Kudos to Mothyna James-Brightful who organized such a meaningful, important and information packed event!
Pictured from left to right: Krista V., me, Mothyna J. and Jeanine J.
If i was there and or had time to get there... I would be.. I am a survior and my new book will tell my story as well. I went to see the movie and wow it stunned me and made my stomach hurt. But what i know is the strength of a sexual assulat survior is a GOD given ability. This is important work ...we need to tell when someone violates us ..SCREAM LOUD until someone listens dont endure the abuse!