Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Daily Blessings Journal

I have been off track with my daily blessings! But, I can tell you that the blessings from the past few days has been NO SCHOOL!! This is the first year in my 7 years as a teacher that I have had a two-week vacation for Christmas... Let me also that I have been very lazy! LOL!

After adopting 6 kids and 3 adults this Christmas, I received a thank you email today. This part of the email really made my day today: "Thank you so much for your gift, time and attention to our family. From them to you, I want to give you a big hug. You have an awesome one woman ministry going on girl...I hope to be like you when I grow up!!"

I posted these lines on Facebook to share with my friends. Then, Erin Feltes replied, "Well it is very true! I want to be you when I grow up also!! Merry Christmas beautiful!"

Finally, Roni Bibb responded, "That is the sweetest thing, I love people who arent afraid to share their happiness."

I am blessed to have such a wonderful support group in my life!

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