Today I met other women just like myself who are amazing and have a story to tell. The atmosphere was relaxed and comfy. This was truly a day of encouragement and sisterhood bonding! We met at the Manor House at the Beautiful Marriott Ranch in Hume, Virginia. Even after a scary 2+ hour drive in the snow and rain, the retreat still went on and was worth the drive! After workshops on financial success (I got a new financial advisor out of this!) and viewing products that support healthy relationships (;D), there was a drawing at the end of the event--Jesika won a free makeover and photo shoot! We are talking hair, new outfit picked out by a professional shopper and image consultant, makeup and a glamorous photo shoot--live on the Big Sis & Co. Show!

"Strength, Grace, Power, were a few of the words we used today to describe being a Woman! Ladies, never forget how important your role is as a woman! Instead of hating, lets build each other up! Today we truly celebrated Womanhood! Thanks ladies for attending the 2009 Celebrating Womanhood Retreat! See you next year!"
Quote from the Facebook profile of Liletta Thompson, (a.k.a "Big Sis") Host and Producer of the local cable talk show,
Big Sis & Company-Focused On The Issues
Lastly, this retreat was only for a few hours, but it was MY time. It was MY few hours away from the pageant drama, the chaotic job, an email inbox with several emails needing responses, doctoral classwork, my cell phone ringing off the hook, and stress! I left all of my stresses behind and enjoyed a few hours that refreshed me and prepared me for the New Year!
I’ve worked hard this year- this day was for me!
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