Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Volunteering with Girl Scouts... Again!

Today's appearance with Girl Scouts of Central Maryland was so much fun! I met the World Champion Illusionist, Wayne Alan, whose anti-tobacco magic show, called Make Smoking Disappear, was produced with the cooperation of The American Cancer Society. During this volunteer opportunity I learned how to perform my own magic trick!

I was also very excited to see a friend from undergraduate school (Elizabeth City State University), Shonda Cook, who is such a sweet, beautiful and successful young lady! Here are a few highlights...

Before the show began, I taught the scouts how to do a pageant wave and walk...

Then, the scouts practiced and showed me how to do it!

With Erin, who won a scholarship from Girl Scouts today and has won every Girl Scout award offered. Congrats!

The illusionist called me to the stage to help him with his next trick...

He asked me to check three pieces of rope that was three different sizes. I thoroughly checked those ropes!

I leave the stage so that he can perform his trick... I don't know how he did it, but he made all three of those little ropes one BIG rope! Awesome performance!


  1. Your officially an honorary member of Girl Scouts :)

  2. Your such a inspiration for young women all over!


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